
Massage Envy Prices

Massage Envy Prices

There’s nothing like spending a weekend relaxing at your favorite massage parlor away from the stress and confusion of everyday life.  For many people, this massage parlor is Massage Envy, a leading name in the industry that has over 1000 spas spread across the country. Apart from offering the most comfortable and relaxing massages, this…

My Cold Sore Scab Fell Off Early: What Happens Now?

My Cold Sore Scab Fell Off Early: What Happens Now?

Caused by a virus known as the herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), cold sores are a nuisance that can lead to lingering pain for weeks. The formation of scabs on cold sores is a critical stage of the healing process, and premature removal can negatively impact the cold sore’s recovery. Since the sores undergo several…

What Is the Blister On My Lip? (It’s NOT a Cold Sore!)

What Is the Blister On My Lip? (It’s NOT a Cold Sore!)

Thousands of people in the US experience lip blisters. And many mistake it for cold sores! Honestly, lip blisters are caused by a range of factors, such as extreme temperatures and allergic reactions, among other things. In short, lip blisters can be triggered by causes known and unknown.  At times, even moving to a new…

Will Aftershave (or Perfume) Dry Up My Cold Sores Quicker?

Will Aftershave (or Perfume) Dry Up My Cold Sores Quicker?

Having to deal with cold sores constantly? Then you’re not alone. This problem is a widespread one, with over half of the population in the country suffering from it. And even if many people do not develop the symptoms, they generally carry the virus responsible for it.  Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex…

Healing Diet For Thyroid Disease

Healing Diet For Thyroid Disease

Proper diet and supplementation can effectively manage thyroid disorders. Foods alone can’t cure thyroid diseases. But, the right combination of diet and thyroid medication helps reduce inflammation, regulate thyroid hormone levels, and promote the growth of healthy cells.  However, selecting the right diet from the plethora of available options can be challenging. You need to…

Shilajit Benefits For Women

Shilajit Benefits For Women

We bet you’ve heard about Shilajit being an energy booster for men. But did you know this natural supplement can also be helpful for women? From preventing anemia to boosting weight loss and improving your skin health, it can do it all.  Now, we know that you’re intrigued to learn more about how Shilajit helps…