Can You Shower After Tanning & How Long Should You Wait?
After an extensive tanning session, the urge to immediately take a long bath is nothing but tempting. You do agree with this, right?

But sadly, that might not be the best thing, as a post-tanning shower has its pros and cons. And the time before you hit the shower after tanning depends on several things.
Sometimes, you can take a cool shower immediately after tanning, while at other times, it is not advisable to do so. Mostly, the products you use or the period of UV exposure decide the right time for taking a shower.
Every person out there who wishes to have the perfect skin tone must be busy contemplating when to hit the shower after their tanning bed session. If you are one of them, then do not worry; we will discuss in brief all the dos and don’ts to remember after getting your skin tanned.
Before jumping to a conclusion, let us briefly understand the different processes involved in tanning so that you can decide what’s best for you.
What Is Tanning?
Tanning is a process of producing melanin in our body by exposing it to UV radiation to bring about a shift in the otherwise natural skin tone. People use the sun’s rays or chemical treatment to induce melanin onto their skin and achieve a skin tone of a darker shade than their current one.
And it goes without saying that all those hours spent getting that tan on your body should not go in vain.
People often use bronzers and fake tanning oils to achieve sunless tanning, that is, tanning without being exposed to direct sunlight. This is mainly done to avoid direct exposure to sunlight, which often damages sensitive skin. Hence, people nowadays opt for this new method of indoor tanning to produce melanin.
However, conventional sun-tan sessions are still the most relevant today.
That said, to get fast results, there are hundreds of products on the market, like bronzers and other chemicals, to induce faster tanning of the skin. People go to any extent to acquire the best skin shade at the earliest. And due to this, the use of chemicals on the skin increases.
Therefore, it becomes essential to take all necessary precautions before applying anything to our skin after tanning. That said, taking a shower after a tanning session can also be problematic.
Can You Shower After Tanning?
People are often skeptical about showering right after tanning. Well, the right advice would be “no.” You should not hit the shower directly after a sunbed or tanning bed session. People take this advice with the notion that showering might wash away their tan.
However, showering can never do that. This is only a myth. Even though taking a bath does not wash off the tan, it does impact its quality. Melanin takes time to get produced, and a cool shower will lessen this production. To get the best golden glow, wait for some time before you cleanse yourself under a shower. We know a shower after a tanning session sounds like the perfect way to cool down and relax, but a little wait is worth the while.
Also, the new varieties of products used for better tanning include fake tanning oils, bronzers, and other tanning lotion treatments. These products fasten the darkening period and provide the skin with necessary SPF protection during your tanning session. As a sunbath or tanning bed session involves extensive exposure to harmful UV radiations from the sun, you are advised to take all necessary precautions before the session.
Bronzers help in better production of melanin to give the skin a faster golden glow. People widely use them to reduce the time spent in achieving the perfect shade. Also, it helps in lessening the long hours of exposure to the sun in order to get the perfect tan. This reduces the chances of dehydration and sunstroke.
Use Of Fake Tanning Oils And Creams
Fake tanning oils, on the other hand, do a similar job and offer heavy protection from the sun’s rays. They are rich in SPF and save the otherwise sensitive skin from getting burning patches from the tanning session.
These creams and lotions take time to absorb into the skin. Hence, cool water might wash away the fake tan. Though water cannot wash off tan, it can reduce the impact of the chemicals. This often leads to unevenly tanned skin all across the body.
The parts of the body thoroughly rinsed remain lighter, and the other parts get bronzier. You wouldn’t want such an undertone, right? Then wait for an adequate amount of time before heading towards the shower after your tanning sessions.
When Can You Shower After Tanning?
The perfect time to take a hot shower after a tanning session depends on several factors. You will often hear elders saying that you should not take a bath after returning home from direct sunlight. This is because your body experiences a higher temperature when exposed to direct sunlight and cools down when bathed with water.
The sudden change in your body temperature from being super-hot to cool affects its thermal equilibrium. Hence, it is advised to bathe only after resting in the shade for a good 10-15 minutes.
If your session was for an hour or less, then a 30 min gap would be enough. However, if it lasts longer than that, then wait for at least 45 minutes before taking a hot shower.
The gap period also depends on the chemicals used. If your session includes the usage of bronzers or fake tanning oils, then wait for a couple of hours before showering. Immediate bathing might prevent the lotion from working its best on your skin.
In the case of spray tanning treatment, professionals suggest showering after four to five hours. However, you should consult the specialists without fail and work accordingly. Extensive spar tanning involves the use of bronzer before the treatment. In that case, your body should not come in contact with water for eight hours straight.
Benefits Of Showering After Tanning
The entire process of tanning is relaxing but hectic. Although sessions in the tanning beds might seem fun for some, it puts a lot of stress on our skin cells. A lukewarm shower or using hot water can wash off that stress in no time and is the perfect after-tanning solution.
This is the main reason why people often go against the advice and choose to bathe right after getting tanned. The irritation caused by different chemicals on the skin and the sweat produced due to heat is intolerable at times. So, bathing in such situations is understandable. If you feel your skin reacting negatively to the tanning session, then immediately hit the shower and get rid of all the chemicals.
Moreover, bathing rinses all the extra lotion particles and dead cells, giving that bright bronze glow to your skin.
Tips For Showering After Tanning
1. Use Lukewarm Water
For showering after tanning, there is nothing better than lukewarm water. Lukewarm water helps in clearing dirt and chemicals faster than cold water. Use your daily soaps or body washes and thoroughly wash your skin.
Don’t worry; your tan will not be affected by it. Remember to be very gentle on your skin because it has already gone through a lot. And if you have sensitive skin, stay away from hot water or from showering immediately after the tanning session. Follow these steps diligently, and they will enhance the quality of the skin.
2. Use A Moisturizer
Do not forget to use moisturizer after taking a bath, as your skin tends to dry up after a tanning session and cause itching or irritation.
It is advisable to go for light moisturizers because they have less product viscosity but will keep the skin hydrated. Stay away from harsh soaps that may affect your skin. Consult a dermatologist before you use a moisturizer after the tanning process because that might be a matter of concern at times, and your skin pores may get blocked.
Now for those who are wondering, the already present chemical in the skin might react with the chemicals present in your moisturizers or tanning lotions and affect the tan or the skin. So, it is not advisable to apply anything to the skin in case of any spray tan treatment, as you may then get an uneven tan.
Tanning is a sensitive process so if you are about to begin your sessions, then consult a specialist first. The period to let your body tan and the gap between tanning and showering should play a vital role in achieving the best results at the earliest.
Also, take a shower after tanning, ensuring that only mild products are used on the skin. You can also consider a hyaluronic acid serum which is great for tanned or sun-kissed skin.